Hello! I'm a software engineer from Brazil

I work mostly with fullstack python/typescript applications, building REST APIs, integrations, UIs and small utilities
There are my personal projects and studies. Feedbacks are welcome
React study
A tic-tac-toe project micro-project to incrementally practice React/TS development
Web design
Personal Portifolio Website
SSG Portifolio Website to post my personal projects, studies and blog posts.
Point of Sale REST API backend
A REST API backend for a point of sale application using FastAPI and OpenAPI standards.


I like writting sometimes to consolidate knowledge and to share tips and tricks that helped me somehow
About me
Some facts about me
When I was a teenager I liked playing games in Kongregate (a web gaming platform) and eventually I started programming my own simple games in ActionScript. It was just for fun and I've dropped programming for some years before I decided to become a developer. In the mean time I've played a little with python scripts and even learned some Scheme/lisp (because of Lilypond), but just for hobby.
Frequently Asked Questions
2023 © Pedro Pessoa